Software Management

System software

HPC clusters typically have many users with varying software requirements and installing software for each user can be time-consuming and may lead to conflicts between different versions of the same software.

Modules provide a way to manage software installations and make different versions of the same software available to users on demand. With modules, users can load and unload different versions of software into their environment without interfering with other users or the system’s default settings. This makes it easy for users to work with different versions of the same software or to use different software packages for different projects or workflows.


Please note that the easiest way to use modules is by activating the gridware user HPC environment (flight env activate gridware).

Some of the most useful commands for interacting with modules include:

  • module avail: This command lists all the available modules on the system, showing the name, version, and any dependencies.

  • module load: This command loads a specific module into the user’s environment, making its executable and library files available for use.

  • module unload: This command unloads a previously loaded module, removing its executable and library files from the user’s environment.

  • module list: This command lists all the currently loaded modules, showing their name and version.

  • module show: This command displays detailed information about a specific module, including its version, dependencies, and any available module options.

Installing new software

In general, installing software on DMOG may require root access, as it often involves making changes to the system’s configuration and installing packages in system directories that are only accessible to the root user.

However, there are alternative ways to install and manage software that do not require root access. For example, users may be able to install software in their home directories or in a designated software directory that’s writable by users.

If you’re not sure whether you need root access to install software on your cluster, it’s a good idea to contact the cluster’s system administrators for guidance.

Requesting new software

If you require software that is not currently available on the cluster and could benefit the broader user community, please contact the cluster support team at They can assist you in installing the software or evaluating its suitability for the cluster. This will also help other users who may require the same software. Please note that the support team will evaluate the software for security and compatibility issues before installing it on the cluster.