
Julia is a high-level, high-performance programming language designed for numerical and scientific computing. It combines the ease of use and expressive power of high-level languages like Python with the performance of low-level languages like C.

To utilize Julia on the DMOG HPC cluster, follow the instructions below:

flight env activate gridware
module load apps/julia

Note that Julia runs alongside Python. Therefore, any additional dependencies required for your Julia programs need to be installed in your user workspace using Conda or Anaconda (see Python for further details). Make sure you have the necessary packages installed to fulfill your requirements.

By default, Julia packages are stored in the .julia directory located within your home directory. If you want to use a different path to store local packages, you can modify the JULIA_DEPOT_PATH environment variable:

export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH=/path/to/myjulia

This would only work in the current active session. To make it permanent, add that line in your .bashrc file.